Monday, December 21, 2009

Kuchulu! and Happy Solstice

i received my Kuchulu today! and on winter Solstice too! what a great gift i gavem myself <3 the Kuchulu is Jenkins' new and smallest low-whorl turkish spindle. i thought the turkish delight was small, ha! stay tuned for pictures ; )

Sunday, December 20, 2009

unicorn found

i could always do short rows. i mean, i can follow pattern instructions. no problem. it's that there would always be something aesthetically bothersome about the heel once i completed it. holes, asymmetry, ill fit. i had tried every kind of technique, wrapping, double wraps, hiding the wraps, no wrap, double stitching German, Japanese, crazy YOs. you name it. if i asked for help and someone said "try this heel" i would do it with an open mind. over 3 dozen individual socks hells and that doesn't count the frog and repeats. than. last night. blammo. i unvented my own. NO HOLES. symmetrical as a mirror reflection, no wraps. just magical. the unicorn of short-row heels. it took me a year but i have earned my sock knitter badge !

Saturday, December 19, 2009


breaks happen. many reasons for the sudden ones. some days it's a choice between "crafting" or "blogging about crafting". most of those days i choose the former. rather than try to play catch-up, i am just gonna jump back in. double-dutch style.